This coming April 16th marks the 75th anniversary of the deaths of the two Spitfire pilots shot down and killed here during the war.
We know of a few people who will be visiting on this day to pay their respects, including Colin who created the memorial in the first place. He had contacted us as to say he wanted to spruce things up and lay some flowers on that day. His call was very timely as we had learnt only the day before that EDF have offered to remake the memorial in a longer lasting form and which they hope will be in situ before the 16th. EDF have a contingent of Polish workers here and it is they who are preparing the new memorial – free of charge. They are also going to replace the plastic seat with a more substantial bench constructed from old railway sleepers.
As it is the 75th anniversary it has been suggested there might be a more formal gathering including perhaps local and Polish Vicars and representatives from local RAF Association members even though it cannot be guaranteed the new memorial will be in place in time.
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